Finish C&C Generals in 4 Minutes

Without tricks, cheats, mods or patch, you can finish the game Command and Conquer particularly Generals or Zero-Hour in 4 minutes more or less. It is a unique strategy that don't need to boost your Supplies. Using the starting amount only and making few units and maximize their functions, you can destroy and wipe out your enemy base.

I have tested it many times in Skirmish mode and works using the GLA General. It is the most fastest general because they don't need power supply (Cold Reactor or Nuclear Reactor) to make any units in Arms Dealer(Technical, Scorpion Tank, Quad Cannon, etc.) You can check the video by clicking THIS or try CHINA General if you don't like GLA. Once you mastered this, this will be easy for you to apply it to USA General. Have fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Edit the Skirmish.ini in Generals Data in My Documents and changed the Starting Supply on the amount you like. Piece of CAKE!